We are all searching for answers to the deepest questions of the human heart. What is happiness? What is sorrow? What is life and death? What is love? and the greatest of these questions, “What is my purpose?” These answers at times can be a mystery, floating just outside the limitations of our reasoning. Our minds, our reasoning, can tell us quite a bit about what we can observe, but it can’t explain the satisfaction of knowledge, the embracement of acceptance, the gratification of belonging, and having “a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy.” (C.S Lewis). At times we think that this search, is a self-journey. If this was so, then why do we all have a longing for the same answers, to the same questions?

Don’t go through The Search Alone!

The Search is a program consisting of seven parts that examines and explores the meaning of these questions. Like our search in life, The Search is best experienced with others. Together we will grow, discuss, and internalize the deep questions of our hearts.

The program will begin January 19th and will continue every Wednesdays through March 2nd. The location of the gathering is in the PAC Room 103A from 6:00pm-8:00pm. We will begin with snacks and drinks followed by a brief introduction of that evening’s topic. A video will be viewed followed by group discussion (this is the most important aspect of the evening). Each evening will finish up with a closing announcement before dismissal.

Registrations are open now and will continue to be open throughout the program. There is no close date to participate and no fee for materials.

You can register and find out more information by following this link. 
