Discover the Transformative Power of the Gospel: The Rescue Project – Are you ready to embark on a life-changing journey? Welcome to The Rescue Project, an 8-week program carefully crafted to explore the profound impact of the gospel on our lives. Join us for a transformative experience that will challenge your perceptions, inspire deep conversations, and lead you toward a purposeful life.

Uncover the Story of the Gospel – Throughout the program, we invite you to delve into four fundamental questions, unlocking the profound story of the gospel:



  1. Created – Why is there something, rather than nothing? Explore the origins of existence and discover the purpose behind your own life. Embrace a new perspective on your place in the grand tapestry of creation.
  2. Captured – Why is everything so messed up? Delve into the brokenness and chaos that surrounds us. Confront the challenges and struggles in your life, and learn to find hope amidst the difficulties.
  3. Rescued – What, if anything, has God done about it? Witness the redemptive work of God in the face of brokenness. Discover the hope and restoration that the gospel offers to all.
  4. Response – And if He’s done anything, how should I respond? Reflect on your personal response to the gospel. Let it shape your actions, relationships, and purpose in life.

A Guided Journey – Throughout the program, you’ll have access to our story guide, a resource to support your exploration of the gospel. Our facilitators are committed to creating a warm and welcoming environment that fosters community and meaningful conversations. Together, we’ll share experiences and grow closer in fellowship.

Nourish Your Mind and Body – In addition to enriching your soul with the gospel narrative, we believe in nourishing your body and spirit. The Rescue Project provides good meals, ensuring you can focus on your journey without distractions.

Embrace the Extraordinary News – The Rescue Project offers a unique opportunity to encounter the gospel in a fresh and engaging way. By embracing this alternative story, you may find a new perspective on life, discover your purpose and meaning, and develop a personal response to the extraordinary news of the gospel.

Don’t miss this chance to transform your life. Join The Rescue Project and discover the incredible power of the gospel. Register today and be part of an unforgettable journey of community, conversation, prayer, and personal growth. Space is limited for the Rescue Project – secure your spot now. All adults 18 and over are welcome.

Our Lady of Light Family is offering two options for The RESCUE project:

Mondays  | 7:00 pm @ St. Francis Campus  |  Jan 8 – Mar 11

Thursdays  |  7:00 pm @ Incarnation Campus  |  Jan 18 – Mar 21