Step Up To Leadership!

Lenten Communal Penance Services
Our Lenten Season is off and running. Please see the Lenten Opportunities page for all kinds of great suggestions for upping our spiritual game this Lent. Pay special attention to upcoming Lenten Communal Penance Services here and at our sister parish. Next week, additional locations for communal penance services will be listed. Thanks to those who make the Sacrament of Penance a part of their Lent and all year a monthly spiritual practice!

Sister Teresa Marie Laengle
Incarnation Parishioners will recall that last year, parishioner, Sister Teresa Laengle, celebrated 60 years of being a Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati. Later in March she will be awarded the Ignatian Spiritual Project “Company of Grace” award. There will be a virtual celebration of this honor on March 24th at 7 p.m. Central Time. Do a Google search with “Company of Grace 2022 – Ignatian Spirituality Project” for more information and to register.  Congratulations Sister Teresa!!

Leadership Discernment
March marks the time of year when we begin to wonder about adding new life and blood to parish leadership. Each spring, along with pastoral council, Stacy Stang and I look for nominees for parish leadership positions. Most leadership bodies in parish life have a three year term. Therefore, every year about a third of the leaders on a given body step down and new ones step up!

Many will be familiar with the process of discerning parish leadership that Fr. Stretch brought to Incarnation over twenty years ago. Instead of holding an election by parishioners to provide parish leaders, those nominated for leadership attend an evening of leadership discernment. See the link to the online nomination form below for more information. Thanks to those who accept nomination for the process and special thanks to those who step up to help lead in parish life!!

Parish Leadership Nomination Form – Due March 31


More Good News
Please see the following article by Debbie Field about the Good News of outstanding stewardship and engagement by Incarnation Parish.

Sincerely and with Love in Christ,

Fr. Pat

Incarnation’s Support of its Community

This is another in a series of articles in recognition of the many community organizations which are supported by the parishioners of Incarnation.

This continues to be reinforced by those of you who attended the Volunteer Appreciation Event held on February 11.  It was great to see so many who give of themselves honored by the Parish. All had a great time, and we hope to make this an annual event.

There were five outreach groups that we helped to support in 2021 and in the month of January 2022, they are as follows:

Giving Tuesday 2021

Big Brothers/Big Sisters $1,726.52
Good Neighbor House $1,726.52

Crayons to Classrooms $600.00
TJ’s Place of Home $5,000.00
World Mission Sunday $5,947.85

It is important to the parishioners of Incarnation to know where their generous donations are being sent. I have received several notes of appreciation from these groups expressing gratitude for the support of everyone and how the contributions will touch and change lives.

We will continue to share additional articles regarding other organizations supported by Incarnation as part of our Social Outreach Ministry.

Debbie Field

HR & Parish Engagement Administrator