Our Lady Of Light Food For All (F4A) Food Drive
January 28- February 11

For the ninth year junior high and high school students have joined to run a food drive for our neighbors.
F4A begins at Incarnation school during Catholic Schools Week and continues in the parishes through February 11.
This year our focus is to provide meals for families as opposed to donating canned items.  We’ve been listening to our recipient pantries and learned that while they rely on our food donations they tell us our donations can go much farther if they are cash. One dollar spent through the food bank allows the pantries to provide 4 meals, which is much more than any of us can buy at our local grocery stores. You can place your cash or check donations in the collection next Sunday with a note identifying them for Food For All. If you would rather, we are excited to receive your food donations but ask you to focus on meals, for example we want to include shelf-stable milk with the boxes of cereal or oil to allow families to make complete meals with our donations.
This year we are expanding our support to four pantries: Catholic Social Services in Dayton, First Dawn Food Pantry in Centerville, Springboro Community Assistance Center, and Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Community Support Center.
Our neighbors are especially in need of shelf stable milk, cereal, mayo, flour, canned black beans, peas, and oranges, noodles, mac and cheese and box mashed potatoes. They are also asking for soap and laundry detergent.  All food, soap, and laundry detergent can be dropped off to the designated Food 4 All Boxes at both campuses.
Thank you! Service opportunities for families and students to count and deliver food items will be available, more info soon! Questions? Please contact Michele Jakoboski at incarf4a@gmail.com.