Day of Adoration

The Blessed Sacrament is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ. When we receive or adore the Eucharist during Mass or during Holy Hour, we are actually receiving and adoring Jesus Christ Himself. During Adoration, we are in His Real Presence, able to speak with Him in our mind and our heart.  In thanksgiving for our Risen Lord, the continuing Easter Season, and for the love of
Jesus, you are invited to a Day of Adoration on Saturday, April 29, following the 8:30 AM Mass at Incarnation. Join us as we spend the day with Jesus. Adoration will begin at 9:00 AM and continue until 5:15 PM at which time we will have benediction prior to the 5:30 PM Vigil Mass.

Assurance that The Blessed Sacrament is never alone, we are asking you to use the link below to sign up for 30-minute periods of time when you will be in attendance with our Lord. Of course, you may spend as much time as you choose to be present.

Please spread the word to others who may not see this announcement, allowing them to consider devoting some time on this day to our Savior. May the Lord help us to better realize His truly wonderous gift to us as we spend Saturday with Him.