Come to the Desert!

Jesus is tempted in the desert this weekend. Of course, that is always the case on the first Sunday of Lent. If Jesus goes into the desert at the beginning of Lent. I’m thinking that would be a great thing for us to do! Wonderfully, Incarnation Parishioners have the opportunity to be “Disciples in the Desert” by attending
our parish mission this Tuesday and Wednesday!

On Tuesday we welcome back one of Incarnation’s previous associate pastors, Fr. Ryan Ruiz as he offers a reflection on “Disciples in the Desert: Encountering the Mystery.” On Wednesday, we will gather for a special time of adoration accompanied by praise and worship music and guided reflection led by some archdiocesan leaders. Thanks to those who are able to start Lent by attending our Parish Mission 2022!

A couple of weeks ago, Deacon Bob Zinck stopped me to chat. I’ve experienced Deacon Bob to be like E.F. Hutton. You know, the commercials about E.F. Hutton from way back when: “My broker is E.F. Hutton (then everybody in the room stops what they’re doing to listen). When E.F. Hutton speaks…people listen.” Wonderfully, even though Deacon Bob is a man of few words, he has blessed us with many words of inspiration, insight and challenge from God for about thirty -seven years in his preaching at Incarnation!! When we talked weeks ago, he related that he will be retiring from preaching and regular deaconating at Mass. It is difficult for him to stand and assist for three consecutive Masses. At the same time that he is retiring from preaching and deaconating, he remains an active deacon. For example, he will continue to visit about a dozen homebound/nursing home parishioners once a week and lead Bible study and faith formation sessions. Thanks Deacon Bob for your ministry and service as a homilist! We look forward to you adding to your thirty-nine years of overall ministry as a deacon!

A Prayer about Silence
Last week, when hearing Jesus’ warning in the Gospel about hypocrisy and then during the homily, I read
a prayer from St. Teresa of Avila. It was a teaching about keeping silence about people we might not appreciate, and rather than focusing on them, focusing attention on our own weaknesses. The excerpt from the Interior Castle is below.

Let us look at our own shortcomings and leave other people’s alone; for those who live carefully ordered lives are apt to be shocked at everything and we might well learn very important lessons from the persons who shock us. Our outward comportment and behavior may be better than theirs, but this, though good, is not the most important thing; there is no reason why we should expect everyone else to travel by our own road, and we should not attempt to point them to the spiritual path when perhaps we do not know what it is…It is better to attempt to…live in silence and in hope, and [God] will take care of [God’s] own.

Teresa of Avila, Interior Castle

New Bulletin Financial Format
Last week I mentioned that we would begin reporting financial information differently, so that it would reflect more clearly where we stand financially year to date. See what you think about the format in the attached link below. Contact a pastoral council member, finance committee member or Sarah Seckt, our Business Manager, if you have recommendations about how to make it even better.

03.06.2022 Bulletin Finance Report


Fr. Pat