Beginning this weekend we walk the path of Christ.

Just today I heard a beautiful reflection on a scene from the Passion of the Christ.  Jesus is carrying his cross and falls.  Mary, his mother, sees him and sees him as the young child who has fallen and needs her comfort.  She runs to him and tells him that she is here for him.  He looks back at her and says “See Mother, I make all things new.”  Mary is being the loving mother.  Jesus is being the savior and messiah fulfilling his mission for our salvation.


These past nine months we have accomplished quite a bit.  We have:

1. reorganized the staff for one family staff.

2. a Family Leadership team that consists of the directors for the family who focus on building the culture we want for the family.

3. Parish Councils that are reorganizing into one Family Council; the commissions will follow after that.

4.  had successful shared events as in the parish picnic with Mass, Anniversary Dinner for wedding anniversaries, and Masses on holidays together with breakfasts following.

5. our Beacons Pathway Team that has looked at the vision and mission for the family and is now working on updating strategic planning for the family (more will be said about that at a later date)

6. worked on updating our mission and vision to remind us why we exist, what we do, and how we will be successful.  We exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ rooted in prayer, serving those in need, and living out our personal baptismal call to holiness.

7. brought together communications via bulletin, flocknote, and a combined calendar so that we can grow in greater clarity and communication. We are also looking at expanding into other platforms.

8. a signed contract for the Incarnation campus renovation project to begin the design and maintenance phase.  Committees have been formed for all of the major areas of that project.

9. a family name which will help our identity as this family continues to walk the Beacons of Light path together.

10.  had a successful Lenten Mission.

11.  had Candlelight Masses to enrich our journey through Advent and Lent.

12.  our Youth and Young Adult Ministries combined for both parishes into one.


Just as in the movie, we can also hear the voice of Christ say, “I make all things new.”  As we walk this path we remember that Christ is walking with us, and the resurrection of Christ continues to be the way that we seek to find that new way in Christ.


Let us walk with Christ this Holy Week from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday knowing that Christ will always walk with us to always renew our hearts.


In Christ,

Fr. Brian